Truity Credit Union

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Share Certificates
as high as 4.00% APY

Share Certificates are similar to certificates of deposit. You'll typically earn higher dividends than a regular savings account with a variety of terms available from 91 days to five years. Open a share certificate today with as little as $500.

  • Develop a long- or short-term savings plan to meet your savings goals
  • Minimum to open a share is $500
  • Dividends compounded quarterly
  • All Share Certificates rates are based on the balance and terms of the certificate
  • Maintain your account via Digital Banking
  • Federally insured by NCUA
Account APY Dividend Rate
Share Certificate 91 Days12 1.15% 1.15%
Share Certificate 182 Days 1.25% 1.24%
Share Certificate 5 Month 0.30% 0.30%
Share Certificate 11 Month29 4.00% 3.94%
Share Certificate 12 Month 1.85% 1.83%
Share Certificate 18 Month 1.95% 1.93%
Share Certificate 19 Month12 | 29 4.00% 3.94%
Share Certificate 24 Month 2.05% 2.03%
Share Certificate 25 Month29 3.00% 2.97%
Share Certificate 36 Month 2.45% 2.43%
Share Certificate 48 Month 2.55% 2.52%
Share Certificate 60 Month 3.00% 2.97%
Share Certificate 91 Day Jumbo12 1.00% 1.00%
Share Certificate 6 Mo. Jumbo 3.50% 3.45%
Share Certificate 9 Mo. Jumbo 3.50% 3.45%
Share Certificate 12 Mo. Jumbo 1.20% 1.19%
See Other Rates

Share Certificates

$ 500 to open

Multiple terms available

Establish Membership

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Terms from 91 days to 60 months
Dividends compounded quarterly
Minimum to open a share is $500
Digital Banking


Share Certificate Calculator

0.30 1.85 1.95 4.00 2.05 3.00 2.45 2.55


12. 19 month and 91 Day Certificate not available for IRA.
29. Upon maturity, the 11 month certificate will renew to the traditional 12 month certificate at the rate applicable on the renewal date; the 19 month certificate will renew to the traditional 18 month certificate at the rate applicable on the renewal date; and the 25 month certificate will renew to the traditional 24 month certificate at the rate applicable on the renewal date. 
Fees may reduce the earnings on some accounts. Annual Percentage Yield applies when the dividend is reinvested in the account. Rates are subject to change without notice.
An early withdrawal penalty will be imposed if Share Certificate funds other than credited dividends are withdrawn before the maturity date. A certificate may not be reduced below the required minimum balance. Share Certificates and HSA Certificates with terms of 24 months or less will forfeit 90 days of dividends whether earned or unearned. Share Certificates and HSA Certificates with terms greater than 24 months will forfeit 182 days of dividends whether earned or unearned. 91 Day Jumbo Certificates will forfeit 7 days of dividends whether earned or unearned.

The dividend rate and annual percentage yield may change at any time as determined by the credit union's board of directors. Dividends are paid from current income and available earnings after required transfers to reserves at the end of the dividend period. The dividend rate and annual percentage yield are the prospective rate and yield that the credit union anticipates paying for the applicable dividend period. Dividends begin to accrue on noncash items (i.e. checks) on the business day you make the deposit to your account. If you close your account before dividends are credited, accrued dividends will not be paid. Fees may reduce the earnings on any account.

See Certificate Terms and Conditions.
Rates are subject to change without notice.
Truity Credit Union is federally insured by NCUA.