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Overdraft Protection

Overdraft Protection is an insurance for your checking account. You can designate one or more of your accounts to be the back-up should your checking account become overdrawn. Accidents happen, but with Overdraft Protection you don't need to worry. We will transfer funds to your checking account from your overdraft account to pay for purchases. Setting up a line of credit or a deposit account as your overdraft account is completely FREE. Don't worry about your checking account, make it start working for you today!

  • Overdraft Protection is available on all checking accounts in the event there are not enough funds to cover a withdrawal transaction.
  • Overdraft Protection is available from an established line of credit or an existing savings account. Each option will only take the amount needed to cover the transaction with no additional fee.
  • Overdraft protection is not available from money market, certificate, or IRA accounts.
  • Overdraft protection transfers from a savings account count toward the six (6) electronic access transactions allowed per Reg D; transfers from lines of credit do not.

Related FAQs

Overdraft Protection


Automatic transfers when overdrawn

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